Why Chess is a Waste of Time?

Chess can be a waste of time due to its addictive nature, limited financial prospects, and negative impact on physical well-being and daily life.

Like any other passion, it may not be the best choice to pursue chess both as a hobby and profession. In this blog post, I’ll discuss different reasons why chess can be a total waste of time.

1. Addiction and Time Consumption

One of the primary reasons why chess can be a waste of time for some is its addictive nature. Once you start playing, it’s easy to become engrossed in the game, spending hours upon hours analyzing positions and thinking about your next move. This can lead to time slipping away, often at the expense of more important life activities.

If you don’t want to waste time overplaying chess, it’s crucial to set an alarm for how long you want to spend on playing chess and choose a format (classical, blitz, or bullet) that will ensure your games finish within your allotted time.

2. Limited Financial Opportunities

Chess, as much as we love it, doesn’t offer a lucrative career path for most of its players. In fact, even the top 1% of chess players struggle to make a comfortable living from the game.

Chess tournaments, despite their intellectual richness, generally lack the financial sponsorships seen in more mainstream sports.

When top chess YouTubers earn more than elite players, it raises questions about the financial viability of dedicating one’s life to chess.

3. Demanding Preparation

Becoming a successful chess player requires an enormous amount of preparation. This includes studying opening theory, analyzing past games, and working on your endgame skills. The time spent in this preparation can be draining and limit your opportunities for other important aspects of life.

4. Lack of Physical Activity

Chess is a sedentary activity. It keeps you indoors for extended periods, which can be detrimental to your health. Staying cooped up indoors can deprive you of the fresh air, sunlight, and physical movement your body needs to remain healthy. Regular exercise is essential, and chess can hinder your ability to maintain an active lifestyle.

5. Lifestyle Disruptions

Chess can also disrupt your daily routine. Long games or tournaments can lead to irregular eating habits and mess with your school or work commitments. The immense concentration required during games can sometimes even take a toll on your relationships and social life.