Best mid-price midfielders in FPL

Best mid-price midfielders in FPL

Everyone knows Salah, Debruyne, Håland, Kane, and Trent Alexander Arnold are the top players of the Premier League when it comes to fantasy football. That’s why they are in the team of so many FPL managers. But the actual test of a manager is finding the gems in mid and low prices. Players like Maddison … Read more

Can you use FPL chips in consecutive weeks?

Yes, you can use different FPL chips in consecutive weeks. However, the availability and rules differ for using same chip twice. Wildcard is the only single chip that can be used in consecutive gameweeks that too in only gameweek 19 and 20. Fantasy Premier League (FPL) managers are always on the lookout for strategic advantages … Read more

King Rook Switch In Chess – A Basic Guide

king and rook switch

In the game of chess, there is a special move known as castling, often referred to as the “king and rook switch”. It allows a player to strategically relocate the king and rook, providing both defensive and positional advantages. If you want to understand it in video form, check out the video below: Details of … Read more

How to stop Early Queen attacks?

How to stop Early Queen attacks

Early queen attacks are premature attacks that can easily be handled with the right technique. Here’s a video guide to show you how: The best way to tackle premature attacks is to familiarize yourself with the right technique and chess concepts. By doing that, not only will you be able to stop early queen attacks, … Read more

14 Reasons Why Kids Should Play Chess

Why should kids play chess?

Chess, a game that has stood the test of time, holds numerous benefits for both kids and adults. Beyond its reputation as a mentally stimulating activity, chess nurtures essential skills and values that can shape a child’s character and cognitive abilities. Let’s explore the captivating world of chess and uncover 14 compelling reasons why kids … Read more

7 Reasons Why Chess Should Be Taught In Schools

Why Chess Should Be Taught In Schools

Chess, with its rich history and intellectual challenges, offers a multitude of benefits that extend beyond the realm of recreation. By introducing chess into school curricula, educators can unlock a world of cognitive and personal development for students. Let’s delve into the compelling reasons why chess should be taught in schools, shaping young minds and … Read more

Why is Chess so Male Dominated?

why is chess so male dominated

Chess is predominantly male dominated due to a combination of historical gender roles, cultural perceptions and stereotypes that associate intellectual pursuits with men, limited representation and lack of visible female role models in the chess community, as well as structural barriers and unequal opportunities that hinder women’s participation and progression in competitive play. These factors … Read more

Is it Bad to Play Chess before Bed?

is it bad to play chess before bed

Yes, playing chess before bed can be bad, particularly if it involves offline games on a physical board, as it can consume a significant amount of time without much awareness and potentially lead to sleep deprivation. However, if it’s online chess like blitz or bullets and played in moderation, it may not necessarily be bad … Read more

Chess Playing Styles – Guide on Tactical and Positional Chess

chess playing styles

Basically, there are two chess playing styles, tactical and positional. A tactical player is one who relies on tactics and tries to gain an advantage through tactical combinations, while a positional player is the one who is always looking to occupy important squares and gain a positional and space advantage. However, a player’s chess style … Read more